Coaches Wanting to Work Camp

Benefits for Coaches Working Camp and Bringing Players or Team

There are several benefits a coach gets by bringing his or her players to the 4 day basketball shooting camp. One main benefit would be he or she gets to watch their players get their shots corrected by Dick Baumgartner or one of the other shooting instructors.

By watching his or her players get evaluated a coach will have a better understanding of each player`s mistakes in shooting. This will then make it much easier for the coach to follow up with the correction at home. 

We believe another very important part that coaches get from working our camp is some very good ideas on how to drill their team. We believe our drills, techniques and word usage are the best. Coaches twice a day at their stations get to see how quickly and easily players learn through our methods.

Coaches working camp get:

1. A special x-and-o session Monday night. For these sessions, Coach Baumgartner brings in a top-notch coach to speak on offenses and defenses. These special sessions have been really well received in the past.

2. A special outside shooting clinic given by Dick Baumgartner Sunday night. Coaches have liked this session and it is a good time to ask outside shooting questions.

3. Seven lectures and seven drill session with players on shooting and other offensive fundamentals during the week.

With Coach Baumgartner`s 20 years of coaching teams, and 34 years of running basketball shooting camps, he believes that he can provide you with a great learning experience. Coaches of all ages and experience have really benefited and enjoyed our shooting camps. We have had thousands of coaches from the U.S. and overseas work our camp in the last 34 years. If you come and work our camp you will find that we really take very good care of the people who work for us. You will learn a lot and have a good time. Some coaches have worked our shooting camps every summer. We also have had several work 15 to 20 summers.

Special Incentives for Coaches Son or Daughter

Coaches Pay

Coaches get paid $200 a week plus all meals and room.